September faves

#1 favourite of this month is my inthesoulshine shirts! I love wearing shirts that are cute while spreading the vegan message. And inthesoulshine is probobly my all time fave cause they are so nice and loving!

#2 Acaibowls. Pure love! I found the frozen acai in the store (first time i saw it) so i just had to buy some packages to make some acaibowls. Literally my fave smoothiebowl of them all, but at the same time it feels a little "to hipster" and now days they're all over instagram haha..

#3 Homemade kombutcha! First time trying kombutcha was last year when i found it at a health store. It tasted.. weird.. But after trying it a few more times and drinking it in London i've become used to the flavour of it and i really like it! So if you're not familiar with kombutcha it is a fermented probiotic drink and has it's orgin from Chine where it has been consumed for over thousands of years. It says that Kombutcha has many healing properites as increasing the metabolism, detoxify your liver, boost your energy and many other positive sides. The truth is that it's very expencive buying in health stores so when i found out i could make my own i just had to try it! It took about 10 days for the first batch to ferment and get ready to drink. It was very good and i just made batch nr.2!
#4 The next one is my new favourite blog - the messy heads!