Healthy eating || vegan

Jasminrice with roasted black beans(+spices), corn, salsa and basil. So delicious!
Eating healthy and nourish your body with the right food has become something that i'm really passionated about since i became vegan 9 months ago. I love eating healthy, nutritious and especially delicious foods that pleases your body and soul. But this health-baiting that's going on in todays society makes makes me unmotivated to advocate clean eating because many people associoate that with wight loss and calorie restriction which is not the picture we wanna convey! <3
I remember when i first turned vegan and the only thing i heard from family and friends was hos i forced myself to eat veggies because "it's not that good" and i can't remember how many times i've heard the word cheating when it comes to the vegan diet. But eating healthy for me is thriving and eating an abundance of good food without ever worrying about calories or weight.

A couple of moths ago i would never eat fruit for breakfast, or even see it as a meal. But now there is no better way to start the morning than with a smoothiebowl filled with deliciousness. <3